Entries by Live Your Big Life

Why Life Insurance Should Be Part Of Your Estate Planning

By working hard and carefully managing your money, you’ve set yourself up to be able to relax and enjoy yourself during your retirement years. You also need to think beyond your retirement years about what you want to do with your assets during estate planning.

In addition, you need to consider your estate planning’s tax implications and how life insurance can help reduce the tax burden your heirs will face.

We’ll tell you about:
• What kind of assets you can include in your estate.
• How life insurance can be used to cover tax liabilities.
• Other reasons you may want to have life insurance as part of your estate planning.

Estate Planning for Blended Families

Blended families – where two people get married but have children from previous relationships – are becoming more common. On top of the day-to-day challenges of blending a family, new spouses also have to figure out how to plan their estates, so everyone is properly taken care of.

We cover all of the following a blended family must consider while estate planning:
• Sharing the Family Home
• Make the Most of a Registered Retirement Savings Plan
• How to Share Non-Registered Investments and Other Assets
• Why It’s Important to Select a Good Trustee
• The Advantages of Life Insurance for Blended Family Planning