2025 Financial Calendar

Managing your finances effectively begins with staying informed about important dates and deadlines throughout the year. This comprehensive guide outlines key financial milestones, including tax deadlines, benefit payment schedules, and contribution opportunities, to help you stay organized and on track. Whether you're planning for tax season, reviewing your investments, or ensuring timely payments, this calendar provides everything you need to navigate the year with confidence. Take a moment to familiarize yourself with these essential details and set yourself up for a smooth and successful 2025.

TFSA vs RRSP – 2024

When looking to save money in a tax-efficient manner, Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSA) and Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP) can offer significant tax benefits. The main difference between the two is that TFSAs are ideal for short-term goals, such as saving for a down payment on a house or a vacation, as its growth is entirely tax-free, while RRSPs are more suitable for long-term goals such as retirement. When comparing deposit differences, TFSAs have a limit of $7,000 for the current year, while RRSPs have a limit of 18% of your pre-tax income from the previous year, with a maximum limit of $31,560. In terms of withdrawals, TFSAs have no conversion requirements and withdrawals are tax-free, while RRSPs must be converted to a Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) at age 71 and withdrawals are taxed as income.

TFSA versus RRSP – What you need to know to make the most of them in 2023

When looking to save money in a tax-efficient manner, Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSA) and Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP) can offer significant tax benefits. The main difference between the two is that TFSAs are ideal for short-term goals, such as saving for a down payment on a house or a vacation, as its growth is entirely tax-free, while RRSPs are more suitable for long-term goals such as retirement. When comparing deposit differences, TFSAs have a limit of $6,500 for the current year, while RRSPs have a limit of 18% of your pre-tax income from the previous year, with a maximum limit of $30,780. In terms of withdrawals, TFSAs have no conversion requirements and withdrawals are tax-free, while RRSPs must be converted to a Registered Retirement Income Fund (RRIF) at age 71 and withdrawals are taxed as income.

2023 Financial Calendar

Welcome to our 2023 financial calendar! This calendar is designed to help you keep track of important financial dates and deadlines, such as tax filing and government benefit distribution. You can bookmark this page for easy reference or add these dates to your personal calendar to ensure you don't miss any important financial obligations.

TFSA versus RRSP – What you need to know to make the most of them in 2022

TFSAs and RRSPs can be significant savings vehicles. To help you understand their differences, we have put together this article to compare: - TFSA versus RRSP - Differences in deposits - TFSA versus RRSP - Differences in withdrawals Understanding the differences between these two types of tax-advantaged accounts can help you better plan for future purchases and your eventual retirement.

Retirement Planning for Incorporated Professionals

For incorporated professionals, preparing for retirement can go beyond finances, one of the biggest challenges is concern for the future of their clients or patients. Planning for retirement can take several advisors including a financial advisor, tax specialist and lawyer to help make the best decisions for their practice. We've put together an infographic checklist that can help you get started on this.

TFSA vs RRSP – What you need to know to make the most of them in 2021

Both TFSAs and RRSPs can be significant savings vehicles for your clients. We've put together an article to help your clients easily understand the differences between them – with one section focussing on differences in deposits and one focussing on differences in withdrawals. The deposit section focuses on: • How much contribution room is available each year • How carry forward works for TFSAs and RRSPs • Tax deductibility of contributions • Tax treatment of growth The withdrawal section focusses on: • Conversion requirements • Tax treatment of withdrawals • Impact of withdrawals on government benefits • Impact of withdrawals on contribution room

2021 Financial Calendar

We’ve put together a financial calendar for 2021. It contains all the dates you need to know to make the most of your government benefits and investment options. Whether you want to bookmark this or print it out and post it somewhere prominent, you’ll have everything you need to know in one place!

Personal Tax Planning Tips – End of 2020 Tax Year

To help our clients, we’ve put together a comprehensive article filled with great tips on how to get ready for 2020 tax season. Here’s a summary of our personal tax tips article: • Details about the different COVID-19 benefits programs and the tax ramifications of them • Information about family tax issues including the Canada Child Benefits and tips on how to split income. • Managing investments. Details about contributing to various savings plans such as a TFSA, RESP, or RDSP. Also tips on how and when to donate to charity and how to time the purchase or sale of investments. • Retirement planning. How to make the most of your RRSP, things to know if you’ve turned 71, and tips on RRIF conversion.

Retirement Planning for Business Owners – Checklist

As a business owner, one of your challenges is learning how to balance between reinvesting into the business and setting money aside for personal savings. Since there are no longer employer-sponsored pension plans and the knowledge that retirement will come eventually, it’s important to have a retirement plan in place. We've put together an infographic checklist that can help you get started on this.