Tax Tips You Need To Know Before Filing Your 2022 Taxes

It’ll be time to file your 2022 taxes soon, and you must take advantage of every tax credit and deduction you can! Our article covers the following: • Canada Workers Benefit. • Claiming home office expenses. • The tax deduction for zero-emissions vehicles. • Return Of Fuel Charge Proceeds To Farmers Tax Credit. • Eligible Educator School Supply Tax Credit.

Permanent versus Term Life Insurance – What are the Differences?

You know you need life insurance – but you’re not sure which kind is best for you. There are two main kinds of life insurance: • Permanent, which lasts for your entire life. Premiums can be more expensive, but you can also use the policy to build up cash value. • Term, which is only good for a set amount of time. Premiums are less expensive, and you cannot build up cash value – but coverage is easy to get and understand. We can help you determine which type of insurance is best for you and how much it will cost you.